Is Organic Cotton Better? (Conventional Cotton VS Organic Cotton)


Posted Mar 16, 2023

Reads 2.7K

Bag of oranges near wall
Credit:, Bag of oranges near wall

Organic cotton is quickly becoming a buzzword in the textile industry. From shirts, sheets, towels, to any other soft breathable cotton shirt out there, organic cotton arrives as the new kid on the block. For years, conventional cotton dominated the market with its affordable pricing and easy availability, but it has a dark side that doesn't love our environment or health.

However, with organic cotton gaining momentum as a famous sustainable fiber, more people are questioning if it's better than regular cotton. A Canada-based marketplace that curates gorgeous home goods jewelry skincare apparel has taken note and launched an organic cotton essentials collection. This sets organic cotton up against regular cotton in a battle for supremacy in the textile industry.

What Sets Organic Cotton Apart from Regular Cotton?

From above of heap of similar cotton swabs on thin wooden sticks with soft edges on marble surface with grey lines
Credit:, From above of heap of similar cotton swabs on thin wooden sticks with soft edges on marble surface with grey lines

Organic cotton is a type of cotton that is grown without the use of harmful chemicals and pesticides. This makes it different from regular cotton which is grown using these harmful chemicals. Eco-research started to question the impact of these chemicals on the environment and human health, leading to the rise in popularity of organic cotton.

One common question people ask about organic cotton is why it is more expensive than regular cotton. The answer lies in its simple word production process. Unlike regular cotton which uses harmful chemicals, organic cotton farmers use natural methods like crop rotation and composting to maintain soil fertility. This process may take longer, but it results in healthier crops that do not need any chemical treatments.

Organic cotton has become increasingly popular over the years due to concerns about environmental protection and sustainability. People are becoming more aware of greenwash products, highly questionable products marketed as eco-friendly but are not. By choosing organic cotton products such as bed sheets, consumers can make a positive impact on their health and the environment while supporting sustainable farming practices.


It has been a tumultuous year, and many people are looking for ways to make a positive impact through their purchasing choices. Organic cotton is becoming a popular option for those who want to create basic wardrobe staples that are created consciously. Brands like Obakki Foundation, founded by Treana Peake, are leading the way in holistic manufacturing practices.

By choosing organic cotton, we can feel good about the low-carbon footprint of each shirt purchased. Additionally, brands like Obakki Foundation's collection made responsibly goes beyond just using organic cotton. They also include basic items like toothpaste, soap, reusable menstrual pads, and laundry detergent in their commitment to doing better for people and the planet.

One remarkable example of this commitment is Obakki Foundation's work with refugee women in Bidi Bidi, Uganda - the largest refugee settlement in the world. By providing job training and employment opportunities working with organic cotton and hemp they're creating a sustainable future while supporting these women to rebuild their lives. Choosing organic cotton is not only a responsible choice, but it also contributes to meaningful change in our world.

Why Organic Cotton Outshines the Rest: An Objective Look


The textile industry produces tons of cotton every year, but not all cotton is created equal. Traditional cotton is grown with pesticides and synthetic fertilizers that harm the environment and the workers who grow it. Exhaustive eco-research has shown that organic cotton is a sustainable alternative to traditional cotton. Nowadays, organic cotton is widely available, and it's a perfect solution for those who want to shop sustainably.

Organic cotton stops harmful chemicals from entering our waterways, making it a great choice for sustainability-minded shoppers. Traditional cotton farming uses chemicals that can seep into the soil and contaminate groundwater sources. With organic cotton, mother earth breaks free from these pollutants. By choosing organic cotton for your next shopping make, you're doing your part to help protect the planet.

If you're looking for an amazing t-shirt, consider choosing one made from organic cotton. Not only will it be softer on your skin, but it also won't contain any harmful chemicals that can irritate your skin or cause allergies. As more people become aware of the benefits of organic cotton, we hope that it becomes the norm fingers crossed. We hope this post helpful in giving you more information about why organic cotton outshines traditional cotton in terms of sustainability and environmental impact.

1. Share your thoughts

Organic cotton is a natural fiber that is grown without the use of harmful chemicals, pesticides or fertilizers. It is better for the environment, farmers and consumers alike. The benefits of organic cotton are numerous and include reduced water usage, improved soil quality and a healthier working environment for farmers.

Furthermore, organic cotton is also believed to be softer and more comfortable than conventional cotton. As a consumer, you can support sustainable fashion by choosing clothes made from organic cotton. And if you want to receive updates on new articles about sustainable fashion, simply enter your email address in the "published required fields" section below and hit subscribe!

Discover the Process of Growing Conventional Cotton


The process of growing conventional cotton is extensive and often involves the use of harmful pesticides and chemicals. When we compare conventional cotton to organic cotton, we quickly realize that there are significant differences in how they are grown. Conventional cotton farming practices have earned an infamous nickname due to the negative impact they have on the environment.

Key factors such as water usage, sustainable practices, and ethical practices are all taken into account when growing organic cotton. Unlike its conventional counterpart, organic cotton is grown without the use of harmful chemicals or pesticides in a way that promotes soil health and biodiversity. Choosing organic cotton not only benefits the environment but also supports farmers who prioritize sustainable farming practices.

1. Water Usage

Did you know that conventionally grown cotton is one of the thirstiest crops in the world? According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), it takes a whopping 10,000 liters of water to grow just one single cotton t-shirt! Shocking, isn't it? The main reason behind this is that conventional cotton is massively irrigated and grown on soil that has been repeatedly used, which removes nutrients leading to unhealthy sprouts. This means more water is needed to grow healthy cotton.

The worst part is that increased water scarcity around the world has made it even harder to grow cotton sustainably. That's where organic cotton comes in. Properly harvested organic cotton brace drinks water left by rain and uses fewer pesticides than conventional cotton. By choosing organic cotton over conventional, we can save precious natural resources like water while still enjoying our favorite clothes!

Discover the Key Contrasts between Cotton and Organic Cotton


The main differences between conventional cotton and organic cotton are striking. Conventional cotton is typically grown with highly toxic pesticides that are harmful to the environment and animals. In contrast, organic cotton is grown without the use of these hazardous chemicals, making it a safer and more sustainable choice for farmers, workers, and consumers alike.

Another key difference is that non-organic cotton is often produced under unfair working conditions, with farmers and laborers receiving low wages and working in unsafe environments. On the other hand, organic cotton farming provides a safe working environment for farmers and workers, along with fair wages. As a result, purchasing organic cotton products supports ethical practices as well as eco-friendliness.

While there may be some cost differences between conventional cotton and its organic counterpart, the end product is worth it. Organic cotton feels softer on the skin, has fewer chemicals in the fabric production process, creates less greenhouse gas emissions during production than traditional cotton. It's also important to note that because of its price range (which can be higher), cost isn't always an issue when switching over to basically organic cotton clothes – especially when considering all of its benefits compared to conventional cotton.

1. Does Organic Cotton Feel Different?

Yes, organic cotton can feel different from its conventional counterpart. Unlike hand conventional cotton, which undergoes heavy chemical treatments, organic cotton is grown using natural methods. This means that it has not been treated with any harsh chemicals and thus retains its natural softness. In addition to being eco-friendly, organic cotton is also hypoallergenic and gentle on the skin.

Organic cotton is in high demand as people become more aware of the benefits of using eco-friendly products. While it may take longer to grow and harvest than conventional cotton, the use of natural methods saves time and effort in the long run. The result is a fabric that not only feels good to wear but also makes garments that are better for the environment. So if you want to make a difference in your wardrobe choices, opt for organic cotton and feel the difference for yourself!

2. Using Less Synthetic Fabrics

Using Organic Cotton instead of synthetic fibers is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. Organic cotton is grown without the use of toxic chemicals, GMOs or synthetic fertilizers which are harmful to our environment. These harmful chemicals pollute the soil, water and air, and contribute to greenhouse gases which cause climate change.

In contrast, organic cotton production uses natural farming practices that benefit the environment such as crop rotation and cover cropping. By choosing organic cotton over synthetic fabrics, you’re not only choosing a healthier option for yourself but also for our planet.

3. Higher Quality

Organic cotton has been gaining more attention in recent years due to its many benefits over conventional cotton. Unlike conventional cotton, organic cotton is grown without the use of harmful pesticides and fertilizers. Instead, farmers use completely healthy sprouts to protect their crops from pests.

Furthermore, organic cotton clothing makes for a great choice for babies, people with sensitive skin, or those who suffer from allergies caused by toxic dyes. Organic cotton's hypoallergenic nature ensures that it won't cause allergic reactions or irritate sensitive skin. As a result, the demand for organic cotton is increasing rapidly, with more and more fashion brands opting to use it in their products. The fact is that our largest organ - our skin - deserves to be treated with care and consideration, which is why choosing organic cotton is a smart choice for both ourselves and the environment.

Discover the Fascinating Process of Creating Organic Cotton

Happy woman with rolling pin cooking at home
Credit:, Happy woman with rolling pin cooking at home

Organic cotton is produced spoiler alert, without the use of harmful pesticides and fertilizers that are commonly used in conventional cotton farming. Instead, organic cotton farmers use natural methods such as crop rotation, composting, and beneficial insects to maintain healthy soil and control pests. This minimizes harmful environmental impacts while creating a sustainable product that is better for both consumers and the planet.

1. Sustainable Practices

Organic cotton is a term sustainable fashion enthusiasts are familiar with. It's different from traditional cotton because it's grown using organic farming practices. Organic cotton farming doesn't use genetically modified seeds or highly toxic fertilizers that release nitrogen dioxide and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Instead, farmers control pests by allowing beneficial insects to thrive, nature helping nature.

Organic cotton's sustainability also extends beyond the farm. It helps reduce water pollution because farmers don't need to use synthetic pesticides and fertilizers that can leach into groundwater. Additionally, organic cotton plants act as a carbon sink absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere. By choosing organic cotton over traditional cotton, we're not only supporting sustainable farming practices but also taking a step towards a more eco-friendly future for our planet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can you buy organic cotton clothes?

Organic cotton clothes can be purchased from various retailers including online stores such as Patagonia, Pact, and Everlane, as well as brick-and-mortar stores like Whole Foods and H&M Conscious.

How does organic cotton differ from regular cotton?

Organic cotton is grown without the use of harmful chemicals, whereas regular cotton is often treated with pesticides and fertilizers. This makes organic cotton a more sustainable and eco-friendly option for clothing and textile production.

Is organic cotton better than conventional cotton?

Organic cotton is better than conventional cotton because it is grown without harmful pesticides and chemicals, making it safer for the environment and for those who wear it. Additionally, organic cotton farming practices promote soil health and biodiversity, which benefits the overall ecosystem.

Why should I buy organic cotton?

Organic cotton is grown without the use of harmful chemicals and pesticides, making it safer for both the environment and your skin. It also supports sustainable farming practices and fair labor standards.

Why is organic cotton better than conventional cotton?

Organic cotton is better than conventional cotton because it is grown without harmful pesticides and chemicals, making it safer for the environment and our health. Additionally, organic cotton farming practices promote soil health and biodiversity.

Edith Schut

Senior Writer

Edith Schut is a blog post author with a passion for travel writing. Her wanderlust has taken her to the far corners of the globe, and she loves nothing more than sharing her experiences with readers. When she's not writing, Edith can usually be found hiking through the great outdoors or experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen.